Will be taken into account for reports where an altered format aids in subject comprehension altering the format MUST beĭiscussed with the Editor. Some consideration for altered layout format (e.g., inclusion of extra-long tables, or METHODS preceding RESULTS) for manuscripts Include anything discussed in the text) and include a copy (electronic) of the complete table for display as an online supplement. type-create a sample single page table for inclusion in print (it should

Than one page at 6.5" X 9" with no smaller than 8 pt. We recommend that authors with long tables-e.g., more In addition, extremely lengthy tablesĪre best presented in complete form as online Supplemental Material. Understanding the content of the paper should be included only as supplementary data. Tables providing information (such as primer sequences) that are essential for reproducing the work but not essential for Figures must be of sufficient quality for review. Figure legends should appear adjacent to the relevant figure. First version submissionsĪre required to include all FIGURES and TABLES embedded near the place of first citation within the text of the main documentįile (.pdf). You may also add Author Contributions after ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Previously published accessions should be included in the Methods section where appropriate), COMPETING INTEREST STATEMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, and REFERENCES. Public database accession numbers for all newly generated data and/or reviewer links to deposited data when accessions are TITLE PAGE, ABSTRACT (the abstract cannot exceed 250 words), INTRODUCTION, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, METHODS, DATA ACCESS (including Manuscript sections should be presented in the following order: The manuscript be written in active rather than passive voice. General manuscript format: Please number all pages for review purposes and ensure in-text references are set in journal format (see below). Such as detailed maps or data sources, that hold broad appeal for the community at large and include novel biological information RESOURCE reports present information on useful tools, databases, or large-scale informational resources, METHODS are manuscripts where the primaryįocus is on a novel methodology these manuscripts include appropriate comparisons to other approaches in the field and supportiveīiological data. Insights as well as extensive analyses with wide appeal for a variety of readers. RESEARCH articles generally contain significant conceptual advances and novel genomic The selection of type is based on the content of the manuscript, and will However, RESOURCEĪrticles are expected to be much more succinct. Manuscript Type: The general format for all manuscript types (Research, Methods, Resource) is identical (as described below).

The title page should include: the title, all authors' names and institutions, the corresponding author's complete contact information,Īnd a running title (50 characters or less, including spaces). Lines of 11-point text per page (a manuscript of 50,000 characters) with four to six figures and one or two tables will translate

A manuscript of 28-32 typed, DOUBLE-SPACED pages with 27 Paper length in the journal is between two and 12 journal pages. These should be uploaded as Supplemental Material online. Additional supplemental files are encouragedĪs necessary for a thorough review process. (4) assurance that all gene/protein names and symbols used in the paper adhere to approved nomenclature guidelines for specificĪll related manuscripts in press, submitted, or in preparation MUST be disclosed. (3) statement regarding databank submission of data and (2) status of any statements of personal communication or other permissions needed (any data presented as unpublished resultsįrom individuals other than the authors require permission for use) (1) a paragraph highlighting the main points of the work and its suitability for Genome Research